Dhoom 3, which has thee versions like Hindi, Telugu and Tamil, has released in approximately 4500 screens across the country on December 20. This action thriller, which had a huge amount of advance ticket booking, has registered 95-100% occupancy in both single screens and multiplexes across the country in the morning and matinee shows. Trade experts predict that its business is expected to go up further in the later shows.
Shahrukh Khan's Chennai Express, which is the biggest opener of all time, has collected Rs 33.12 crores nett from 3500 (including Tamil and Telugu versions) at the Indian Box Office on the first day of its release. Aamir Khan's Dhoom 3 has already beaten its record by releasing in a large number of screens. Trade experts feel that the movie would definitely beat the first day collection record of Chennai Express
Shahrukh Khan's Chennai Express, which is the biggest opener of all time, has collected Rs 33.12 crores nett from 3500 (including Tamil and Telugu versions) at the Indian Box Office on the first day of its release. Aamir Khan's Dhoom 3 has already beaten its record by releasing in a large number of screens. Trade experts feel that the movie would definitely beat the first day collection record of Chennai Express
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