Music in Gautham Menon's movies has always won the hearts of audience. Now for his next movie with Ajith Kumar, the director has roped in a world famous musician. Yes, you have guessed it right. Oscar-award winner AR Rahman will be composing music for the director's forthcoming flick. According to sources, AR Rahman will be collaborating with Gautham Menon again for the director's upcoming Tamil movie with Ajith Kumar. Though the news is not official, sources say that the filmmaker has approached the Oscar-award winner to compose the music, and the deal has been done.
Ajith's Next is with the combination of A.R and Gautham
Music in Gautham Menon's movies has always won the hearts of audience. Now for his next movie with Ajith Kumar, the director has roped in a world famous musician. Yes, you have guessed it right. Oscar-award winner AR Rahman will be composing music for the director's forthcoming flick. According to sources, AR Rahman will be collaborating with Gautham Menon again for the director's upcoming Tamil movie with Ajith Kumar. Though the news is not official, sources say that the filmmaker has approached the Oscar-award winner to compose the music, and the deal has been done.
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