Has the dream of Tamil cine goers, who have been waiting to see Vijay and Ajith Kumar sharing screen space again, finally coming true? Venkat Prabhu is the man, who is trying hard to reunite the stars again. In an interview, Venkat Prabhu has said that he has plans to make a movie having Vijay and Ajith Kumar in the lead roles. He has conveyed the same to both the stars. Surprisingly, both the actors have given green signals for the project. In fact, they are eager to join hands after a long time. But according to the director, there is an issue before him. Venkat Prabhu says that both Ajith Kumar and Vijay have expressed their wish to play the role of antagonist. This is giving him a hard time as he has to churn out the script keeping their requests in mind. But he is not disheartened and he is ready to go extra miles to make a memorable movie with them as nobody since a long time could bring them together on-screen

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