Actress Shriya’s last outing in Tamil was Chandra which was below average flick. Actress Shriya Saran recently missed out doing director Bala’s film. But that has not deterred her spirits. The latest news is that she has signed a film with Ameer.  Ameer is producing this film. 
Ameer is a director who has directed films like Paruthiveeran and Aadhi Bhagavan. The new film is untitled and he will be doing the lead role besides producing it. The film will be directed by Karthik and the film will be made in Telugu simultaneously.
As per the sources, this film will hit floors in the month of July and makers are in plans to wrap up entire shooting part in just three months. Karthik will be wielding megaphone for the first time who was protégé of Cheran. It is touted to be bilingual made in Tamil and Telugu. Hero of Telugu version is yet to be announced officially.

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